West End

West End Village is the home of many great dive operators. The Village has hotels, hostels, apartments, cabins, and homes you can rent – whatever suits your taste and budget. There are restaurants, bars, grocery stores, and internet cafes, all within short walking distance from everything. West End’s dive operators offer very competitive pricing for their many interesting wall, wreck, night, and other interesting dives, as well as a variety of diving certifications. The shore has beautiful white sand beaches protected by a living coral reef that is so close you can swim, snorkel, or do great shore diving a short walk from where you are staying. West End Village is like a “great big diving resort” — everything you want is walking distance. And you choose! There is ample public transportation for touring the island.

In West End, the pulse goes up as the sun goes down. Restaurants offer food at prices from $2 or $3 to $20 for a main course. There is plenty of fresh seafood and fresh Honduran beef. The food ranges in style from Argentinean and Uragayan to Italian, American and French. The weary travelers can sit by the ocean and sip a beer while watching a spectacular sunset and listening to the music of the beach. On the other hand, more active travelers can dance the night away to the red-hot beat of the Caribbean at several bars and nightspots.

West End has something for everyone. Whether you are old or young, a big spender or a penny pincher, a great time can be had by all.

checkout our residential real estate page for more information on residential properties available in the West End, Honduras.

If you are looking for more information on commercial properties available in the West End, Honduras, please take a look through the properties listed on our commercial real estate page.

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Marci Wiersma

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